Monday, 20 January 2014

Saltire International Travel Bursary for Architecture Students

In August 2013, we submitted our proposal for the Saltire International Travel Bursary for Architecture Students and won the Travel Bursary to undertake study trips and research.  The bursary allows us to travel to 4 different countries in order to enhance our knowledge and understanding for different housing schemes.

The research proposal:

We propose to use the bursary to undertake research on international housing schemes to contribute to our final year theses. As we shall each be developing design proposals in four different European cities, we have the opportunity to compare, contrast and evaluate four precedent housing schemes in these different places. We would collate information from our individual research trips in a small publication, pooling our knowledge to inform our independent designs. In turn, this could also be combined with our existing research about housing in the UK, and Glasgow in particular. Our previous research would provide a structure for our investigations.

It would be invaluable to analyse a range of European schemes to complement our in-depth local studies. As we feel that our team was very effective in our “Woodlands Densified” project, we would be delighted to continue working together. We remain particularly interested in social phenomena, shared amenities, responses to vernacular forms, and mixed tenure, flexible units.

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