Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Research Proposal - Anna Barbieri

Trieste - Complesso Rozzol Melara
Genova - Quartiere Lavatrici di Pra'
Rome - "Il Corviale"
Naples - Complesso Scampia

Our group’s intention was to continue researching within the architectural field of housing, but in respect to different ideas and concepts that influenced the design of the Woodlands Densified proposal. For this project, one of our main ideas was to revitalise the urban perimeter block and especially the potential of the existing backcourt spaces.

Deriving from the idea of the block and inspired by an architectural project – the Rozzol Melara complex or Quadrilatero by Francesco Celli – that I visited during my thesis research trip to Trieste, Italy, I would like to visit and explore three modernist and brutalist housing complexes in Italy – the quartiere le Lavatrici di Pra’ in Genova, the Corviale in Rome and the Scampia complex in Naples. Examining and comparing impressions of the three different complexes, I want to enhance my knowledge of the superblock and the machine for living in respect of their relevance and potential in contemporary architectural discourse.

The interest in superblocks derives from a thought I intend to examine in my final design thesis, which I am currently working on at the Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow School of Art. It investigates seafarers and how their experience of a sea based life influence their habits and perceptions. This is especially important when seafarers come back to land and leave their sea life – particularly when retiring. Superblocks and housing complexes used the idea of the ship as a reference when developing living schemes and ways of living. In particular, Le Corbusier’s Unité is often referred to as a ship. Apart from nautical influences that entered Modernism, I would like to research and compare the integration of different functions – supermarkets, leisure programmes etc. in the above mentioned projects and their importance for the users of today.

Before travelling to Italy in the summer months, presumably July, I will research the theories and ideas behind housing hybrids and analyse my impressions of the visit to the Rozzol Melara complex. Theories I intend to investigate include examples by Le Corbusier and Alison and Peter Smithson but also research on the current problems of the four respective housing projects shall be undertaken.

I intend to reflect upon my findings in writing, using sketches and drawings as well as photographic documentation.  

Extracts from my thesis work so far:

Complesso Rozzol Melara - Arch. Francesco Celli, Trieste, IT

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